
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Should you bring your horse to college? Four questions to consider before loading the trailer.

I’m an IHSA coach, and it’s that time of year when a new crop of incoming freshmen contact me about entering college in the fall, joining the team, and possibly bringing their horse to school with them.

If you’re an incoming freshman struggling with whether or not to bring your horse to college, here are four questions to ask yourself that may make your decision a little easier.

1.       How committed are you to riding versus other activities?

College is a time to expand your horizons, meet new people, and figure out who you are.  At no other time in your life will you have the opportunity to try such a variety of new things.  Weekend camping trip?  Sure!  Study abroad?  Absolutely!  Fraternity or Sorority?  Sounds fun, where do I sign up? Oh, and don’t forget, you’re going to have to spend some time studying, too. These endeavors are much more difficult with a horse in tow.   Are you willing to miss out on some of the fun extracurricular activities college has to offer in order to ride your horse regularly?

2.      How committed are you to riding your own horse versus someone else’s? 

Most colleges offer at least a club-level IHSA team in which the horses and tack are provided, and a quick web search will locate near-by barns that offer lessons.  Is it absolutely necessary that you ride your horse as opposed to someone else’s?  Maybe a once a week lesson would satisfy your riding needs without draining your free time or budget.

3.       How will you cover the costs?

Will your parents be paying for board, lessons, farrier, vet, etc., or will you be responsible for these bills?  If you are paying for everything, do you want to spend your free time working a part-time job to pay for the horse-related costs?  With a part-time job will you have time to spend with your horse?  Could you possibly end up in a cycle of working to pay for your horse, then not having time to spend with your horse because you’re working to pay for your horse?

4.      What’s the best option for your horse?

Will you be able to give your horse the level of care and personal attention you lavished on him in high school?  If not, will being at a new barn without you there to spend time with him be good for his mental well-being?

If your horse stays home, you may be able to lease him out under the guidance of your home trainer.  With a lease, your horse stays in shape and you get money off his board, or you may even get to pocket some extra spending cash. 

If you bring him with you, you could look into half-leasing him out to your school’s IHSA coach or a nearby lesson barn in exchange for board or lessons.  That way you could get your horse time in, but you wouldn’t have to do all the riding yourself, all while having some of the costs covered by the lease.

Or maybe it’s time to think about allowing your horse to continue his show career with a new mom.  College is a transitional period.  You will enter as an adolescent, but you will graduate as an adult looking for a full-time job, possibly with a soon-to-be-spouse alongside.  You will probably have some student loan debt to pay off.  The added expense of a horse can be a large burden for a recent grad.  Also, it’s important to consider that you may be better off selling before you enter college while your horse is still in show shape, rather than after you graduate when he is four years older (at least), and probably less tuned up than he was when you were in high school. 

Whether or not to bring you equine partner with you to college is a difficult decision, and there isn’t one answer that is correct for everyone.  Yes, even the most committed equestrian should have an identity outside of riding.  It’s part of being a well-rounded person.  But, on the other hand, for some people, riding is more than a sport, it’s a lifestyle.  Only you can decide the right balance for you. 

The most important thing to remember is, whichever option you choose, you can always change your mind.  There is always next semester.

1 comment:

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