
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

USEF Hunt Seat Equitation Tests in IEA and IHSA Shows

Did you know that in IEA and IHSA competitions, the judges have a list of potential equitation tests they may ask riders to perform?  This list comes from the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Equitation Tests found in the USEF rule book.

There are 19 total USEF equitation tests; however, only 13 of them may be used in IEA or IHSA shows. You can find this list in the IEA and IHSA rule books. I've also included it below.

13 USEF tests permitted in IEA and IHSA competition:

1. Be asked an appropriate horsemanship question that is tailored to the rider’s ability level
2. Halt
3. Sitting trot
4. Two point position at the walk and/or trot
5. Figure eight at trot, demonstrating change of diagonals
6. Figure eight at canter on correct lead, demonstrating simple change of lead
7. Change Horses
8. Ride without stirrups
9. Change leads down center of ring, demonstrating simple change of lead
10. Canter on the counter lead. No more than eight horses may counter canter at one time
11. Half-turn on forehand and/or half-turn on haunches
12. Jump a shortened course
13. Trot a jump not to exceed 2’6”

Which tests the judge may ask riders to perform is determined by the class level.

From the IEA rule book, here is a list of each IEA hunt seat flat division and which tests the riders in each division should be capable of performing:

Classes 9 & 12:  Beginner Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-7

Classes 8 & 11:  Novice Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-8

Classes 7 & 10:  Intermediate Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-9

Class 6:  Open Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-13*

*I think it's fair to assume tests 12 & 13 would only be asked in open fences, not open flat.

For the IHSA riders, here is a list from the IHSA rule book of the IHSA hunt seat flat divisions and which tests may be asked for each.

Class 1:  Walk/Trot Equitation, Tests 1-4

Class 2a:  Beginner Walk/Trot/Canter Equitation, Tests 1-5 and 9

Class 2b:  Advanced Walk/Trot/Canter Equitation, Tests 1-6 and 9

Class 3:  Novice Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-9

Class 5:  Intermediate Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-9

Class 7:  Open Equitation on the Flat, Tests 1-11

And for those of you who are curious, here are the additional USEF tests from the USEF rule book that may be asked in USEF-sanctioned competitions, but not in IEA or IHSA:
  • Hand gallop.
  • Jump obstacles on figure eight course.
  • Jump low obstacles at a walk as well as at a canter. The maximum height and spread for a
  • walk jump is 2’.
  • Dismount and mount. Individually.
  • Figure eight at canter on correct lead demonstrating flying change of lead.
  • Execute serpentine at a trot and/or canter on correct lead demonstrating simple or flying changes of lead. 
  • Change leads on a line demonstrating a flying change of lead.
  • Demonstration ride of approximately one minute. Rider must advise judge beforehand what ride he plans to demonstrate.

While testing is not very common in regular season IEA and IHSA shows, you should expect to be tested if you make it to regional, zone, and/or national finals. If you're not already practicing these tests in your lessons, you may want to get started on them before the post-season shows get here.

"Get Connected" DVD
For additional instruction, I encourage you to check out a DVD that demonstrates how to execute all 19 USEF Equitation Tests correctly, titled "Get Connected."

Here's some info about the DVD from the USEF website and the link to purchase it.

Get Connected
An educational DVD produced by the Pacific Coast Horse Shows Association, in association with USHJA, “Get Connected” features USEF Hunter Seat Equitation Tests 1-19, and special presenters Debbie McDonald (World Cup Champion and U.S. Olympian in Dressage), Cynthia Hankins (USEF “R” Judge, USEF Medal Final winner) and Michael Moran (USEF Judge, highly acclaimed horse show announcer).


USEF gave all IHSA coaches nationwide (including me!) this DVD a few years ago and it has been a great resource. I highly recommend it for IEA and IHSA coaches and teams. You could get together for a team movie night to watch and discuss.

If you enjoyed this blog post, please take a moment to like and share on Facebook. Thanks! Amanda


  1. I have a question that I can't seem to find online? Can Huntseat horse riders be asked to "address the reins" like saddleseat riders are? Thanks��

    1. The two question marks at the end were supposed to be a smiley face lol :)
